White Ensign Models has followed-up their photo-etch set covering the Zvezda Z-17 Diether von Roeder kit (Set PE 35185) with the DKM 'Z' Class Destroyers
Narvik Type Detail Set. Set PE 35186 is designed to detail the various later-war Kriegsmarine destroyer kits released by Dragon. Just like the other product, the photo-
etch set has excellent relief etching, loads of parts covering the entire ship and excellent instructions.

While there are similarities in terms of design and approach between the two sets, in actuality there is not too much overlap in terms of actual parts. The set is
comprised of one good sized brass fret packed with a variety of fittings. Some of the parts are replacements for plastic parts in the kit and others are add-ons. First off,
you get all the railings you will need already pre-measured, which saves time and effort. The other standard parts include inclined and vertical ladders, anchor chain,
funnel cap grills, yardarm footropes and foremast aerial spreader, bridge wing supports, propeller guards, cable reels and capstan handwheels and associated bases. The
class specific detail parts include the mine rail tracks, which are comprised of the bases and the actual rails. The base comes in two sections each, a straight and curved
section. The rails also come in two lengths to match the corresponding base. Applying the photo-etch mine rail tracks will require removing the molded-on versions
from the deck, which may not sound appealing to some modelers but the end result would be much better in comparison. Photo-etch versions of the aft gun deck
depression rails are included which are direct replacements for plastic kit parts. Other parts include details for the motor boat, parts to assemble the cradles for the
boats, the fore mast goal post, the torpedo control positions, details for the paravanes, the paravane crane jibs, the FuMo 21, Fu 23/24 and FuMo 63 radars and the
FuMb 7 (Sumatra) antennas. One set of parts that is specific to the Z25 kit is to make a foc’scle breakwater to replace the kit part.
Later war destroyers were brimming with extra anti-aircraft guns and parts are provided to build the various mounts fitted to these ships. The guns covered are the
4cm single Bofors, 3.7cm Doppleflak C30, 2cm Flakveirling C38, 2cm Flakzweiling C38 and the single 2cm Flak C30. Each gun is a multi-part assembly which will
produce a detailed gun mount. However, being photoetch parts, the will appear a little flat and two-dimensional, especially the gun barrels. In this day and age of resin
and 3D printed aftermarket part options, the photoetch versions may not please some modelers but it may satisfy others.

As stated above, the instructions are excellent and are in the same format we have seen with other
White Ensign Models products. The instructions are printed on six
pages, double-sided, with page one having a number keyed image of the photo-etch fret tied to a detailed parts list on the bottom of the page. The following pages have
very clear and detailed illustrations that show how subassemblies are put together and the locations of those subassemblies and other parts. Each illustration is
captioned with additional guidance explaining how the parts go together and when applicable, which kit parts they either replace or are attached to. The final page has
some additional instructions written out. As thorough as the instructions are, other references will be useful to model any the specific destroyer that you are building.
According to the instructions, this photo-etch set is designed for the Dragon Z25, Z30 and Z43 kits but it should also be applicable to Z26 and Z39 boxings and any
other variation that I may have overlooked. The
Dragon kits are already very detailed and this photo-etch detail set from White Ensign Models will help raise them to
another level. My thanks to
Richard Harden for providing the review sample.
Felix Bustelo
New York